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Our communities

Global Code of Business Conduct

We support the communities where we live and work

Our communities are an extension of us. They are where we live, work, play and grow. We care for and protect them, just as we do our customers. After all, the best brands and companies don't settle for satisfactory — they dare to be great.

Protecting our planet

Allstate works to understand climate risks that directly affect our insurance products and assets. And we protect our customers by doing so.

Allstate sees climate change as one of the most critical challenges of our time. It threatens our business and our communities. Through our work to mitigate climate risk, we are part of the solution for a changing world. A changing climate means we must identify risks and opportunities associated with extreme weather patterns; and comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and Company policies, including permits and licenses.

Improving our communities

We support our communities and help them thrive.

We care about our customers and the communities they live in. These diverse communities are where we live too. We empower all people to imagine — and achieve — better for themselves and their communities through social impact programs, nonprofit partnerships, volunteer services, charity drives and other initiatives that bring Our Values to life. We make sure all contributions and charity efforts are legal and ethical.

If you have questions about whether you can represent the Company while participating in a charitable cause, ask your manager. If you think the Company might want to get involved as a sponsor and you are unsure of whom to contact, reach out to The Allstate Foundation.

For more information, see our Sustainability Report at

Integrity insights

Allstate and its subsidiaries, The Allstate Foundation and Allstate employees and agents have donated millions of dollars to charitable causes in our communities and volunteered thousands of days. These efforts have empowered youth, uplifted domestic violence survivors, advanced racial equity, and strengthened communities when they needed it most.

Family reading book.

Participating in the political process

We engage thoughtfully in the political process, protecting our interests while bringing positive change to our communities.

We encourage work-life balance, which includes participation in the political process and civic duties. We also recognize the need to engage in politics as a company. In both cases, it is essential that we do so legally and ethically to keep from harming the Company's reputation and interests. We separate our personal political activities from our work to maintain the transparency and integrity that our customers, communities and stakeholders have come to expect from us.

Participating in the political process with integrity means we:

  • Comply with all campaign finance and election laws where we do business.
  • Notify the Company when we run for office or get appointed or elected to office.
  • Never contact lawmakers on behalf of the Company or lobby with lawmakers for the Company's interests without getting explicit approval from Government & Industry Relations or unless participating in Company-sponsored political advocacy opportunities.
  • Make it clear that we do not formally represent the Company when we take personal political action.
  • Understand that activities with lawmakers outside of constituent advocacy could be considered lobbying and would have to meet all reporting and other legal requirements.
  • Keep our personal political activities separate from our work environment.
  • Do not force our personal political views on others in the workplace.

We understand and respect your right to express political opinions on social media. We ask that you follow the social media policy found under Resources.

If you are seeking an elected or appointed political position, contact Human Resources. Making the Company aware of your activity will help prevent potential conflicts of interest or the appearance of such conflicts. For further guidance, see our Conflict of Interest Policy found under Resources.

ECC Monitor: OK