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Global Code of Business Conduct

Policies, guidelines, and other resources are linked throughout the Code. If you are an employee, click on your company's dropdown to access the resources that apply to you.

The shared and Canada-specific policies are located on the ACG Intranet under Company Policies/Code of Ethics.

The shared and Allstate Identity Protection-specific policies are located on the Allstate Identity Protection Intranet (located in ADP) in the Forms Library. To get to the Forms Library, go to the resources tab, click Company Information and then click on Forms Library.

Allstate Identity Protection-Specific Policies

The shared and Allstate Protection Plans-specific policies are located on the Allstate Protection Plans Intranet under Company Policies. To get to the company policies, go to the resources tab, and under company information, click on company policies.

Allstate Protection Plans-Specific Policies

The shared and Answer Financial-specific policies are located on the Answer Financial Intranet (located in ADP) under company policies.

ECC Monitor: OK